
Add Revisions to your Sheets in Revit

Add Revisions to your Sheets in Revit

If you’ve worked in big Revitยฎ projects, you know that using revisions in your sheets is mandatory to track deliverables. Unfortunately, adding or deleting revisions from a group of sheets is quite time consuming, as you need to go sheet by sheet. What if you have 50 sheets? What if you have 500?
Well, with the Sheeets plugin it takes just a few seconds.

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The free trial campaign has ended, here are the results

The free trial campaign has ended, here are the results

Our free trial campaign has been a success!

We want to thank everyone who participated, whether current customer or not,
and remark that we truly care about your needs and are listening closely.

Indeed your feedback has had very tangible effects (details below):

  • We completely redesigned 2 apps
  • We adapted prices

Remember you can help shape our tools to match your needs, we will always make our best effort to help you get the most out of them!

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Free trials and new apps!

Free trials and new apps!

Are you ready for 2021?

2020 was a rough year and without doubt we still have some difficult time ahead.
Nevertheless, we want to start this 2021 with all the good energy and positivism we can, so we have a few exciting announcements to make including free goodies for everyone!

Happy 2021!

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Duplicate sheets with Revitยฎ

Duplicate sheets with Revitยฎ

So probably you have tried to right-click on a sheet in your project browser and selected Duplicate View, only to find bitter disappointment in the fact that the three duplicate buttons are grayed out. ๐Ÿ™
Revitยฎ unfortunately, doesn’t have a default tool for sheet duplication.

Well, fear no more. At Camilion we’ve developed a plugin that can duplicate 1 or 100 sheets in a couple of clicks.


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