First free Dynamo BIM course in Barcelona

Mar 24, 2021 | Dynamo, Revit

Dynamo for Revit® is a very powerful tool that can help us
a lot on a day-to-day basis and can be a gateway to improve our
job prospects.
Because of their power, getting started with these tools can be overwhelming;
but with some accompaniment, it’s always easier!

To foster a vibrant and diverse community in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering & Construction) industry,
we want to help by teaching a series of ** free Dynamo courses,
the first ** only for women

Why Dynamo?

Because knowing how to use ** Dynamo ** (or another visual programming tool) is like ** having superpowers**.

The potential to automate tasks with Dynamo is ** tremendously high ** and this translates to ** less time ** of tedious work, ** higher quality end ** of work and in general to lead a ** calmer life.
Dynamo is a tool that will ** open the doors ** to the world of automation in general and visual programming is an excellent way to start understanding programming concepts and train your mind to think in a

Why for women?

Because we cannot ignore either that in both the Construction and Engineering branches, the percentage of women actively working is less than 20%.

And, even if it is a problem with many factors, and there are fantastic initiatives
like Women in BIM and Women can build,
We want to help keep these professionals in the sector with specialized and personalized courses where any questions are welcome.

in some cases 100% of women in leadership positions have considered leaving the
sector, compared to 49% of men;
and in other cases the number is even more alarming: ** 36% of women in the sector have considered leaving it for reasons of bias**, compared to 7% of men.

The course

  • Language: Spanish
  • ** When : The course will be held from Tuesday 13 of April to Thursday 29, 2021**, from 16.30 to 18.30 (4 hours per week x 3 weeks)
  • ** Where **: At the ** Camilion ** offices in C / Loreto 30, Entresòl 2ª, 08029 Barcelona
  • ** Level **: This will be a ** basic Dynamo course ** for Revit®
  • ** Cost **: Free
  • ** Modality **: It will be dictated ** in person ** respecting current regulations on bio-security issues
  • ** Spots **: 4 people
  • ** Prerequisites **: Basic knowledge of Revit® and desire to learn
  • ** Materials **: Each participant must bring their laptop with Revit installed
  • ** Topics**: Download the topics in pdf
  • ** The instructor **: Paolo Modenese.


If you are interested, fill in this form!

In case of covering all the places and not being able to assign one, we will notify you
and if you decide to do so, we will notify you when we organize other courses.

If you do not identify yourself as a woman, you can still register if you want us to notify you for future courses that are mixed.


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